It all began with a bite…

I have been curious about food for as long as I can remember, (just ask my parents lol). Overall I was a very inquisitive child, but when it came to food my need for exploration was insatiable. One of the earliest memories of this would be fishing with my dad. I loved the idea of bringing something straight out of the water to our home to enjoy for dinner (sea to table lol). I also loved never knowing what the outcome would be. We never knew what we would catch or if we would even catch anything. I can hear my dad now “I guess this is why they call it fishing and not catching” but I always cherished our time together and still do to this day. Another memory I can recall is wanting to order outside of the “children’s menu” very early in life. Although I did like chicken tenders, I felt restricted by the offerings that were not only limited, but also repetitive.I wanted MORE, I wanted to taste MORE, I wanted to experience… well more. I had a passion for trying new things. Growing up in a traditional southern family we of course would eat all the classics salmon and rice, black eyed peas, collard greens, you name it but I was always curious to try things that weren’t traditional. “What’s this sushi stuff I keep hearing about, I want to try it?” I think I was the first in my household to try sushi and to this day I still love it.

With me curiosity and obsession go hand in hand when it comes to food. I’m always chasing that new experience, the new combination of flavors that make you fall silent, and the new feeling of joy that washes over you when you find the perfect bite. Moving to New York after high school was the catalyst that shifted my relationship with food forever. It was like Pandora's box of culinary experiences had opened and I had every cuisine I could imagine only a walk or MTA ride away. 

Travel unlocked the next level of my culinary curiosity. Which I would describe as my need for “authenticity”. I wanted to know MORE about the history and stories behind the dishes I had grown to love. 

All of my journeys ultimately lead me back home, the one place where I’ve always felt the most comfort in life. The place I could be myself (even though it took me leaving to find that out). The place where I grew up fishing with my dad. Home is where my curiosity and creativity sparked. So now back in NC I want to explore MORE, learn MORE, and eat MORE. I want to know everything possible about my home state. I’ve been going to farmer’s markets, pop up events, restaurants you name it all in efforts to further my knowledge and relationship with food and the people who make experiences possible. I’ve learned so much already and am excited to continue exploring the wonders of not only my home state but food in general. I want to share my discoveries with you and I want to also learn from you. So with that said let’s EAT, SHARE, REPEAT!