I’m so excited to embark on this journey with you. I hope to share stories, laughs, and most of all Food. So let’s get to it, let’s dig in and let’s EAT, SHARE, AND REPEAT!

To put it simply I looooove to eat.

Food has this magical power of being able to not only provide sustenance and fuel your body lol but it also brings people together and creates new experiences with lasting memories. It has the ability to create feelings of comfort and security. Most impressively it can communicate love without words. Whether it’s laughter over how you’ve accidentally mistaken the salt for the sugar (oops lol) or the undeniable silence that falls over a room when you are eating something too good for words. With food, there is always a story to tell and new memories to create. 
I assume you are here because you also love food or perhaps you are wanting to learn more about food, or how to cook, what cookbooks to buy,  or just where to eat… whatever your reasons for being here, you are welcome and you will always have a seat at my table.